Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bull Skull Picture

A couple of weeks ago my mom and I were out shopping at estate sales. We were pretty excited because when you go to estate sales they are very hit or miss! That particular day was a hit! We were finding all kinds of goodies. One of the last stops we made was by far the best sale of the day. We found an awesome old suit case, a few mason jars, a cheese grater (earring holder), and the bull skull picture. I saw the picture out of the corner of my eye and had to go get a better look. The picture was $1.25. I had no idea what I was going to do with it but for $1.25 I had to buy it.

On our way home, we were trying to think what kind of frame I could use. We were either going to have to buy one or make one. I wanted a frame made out of barn wood. Luckily, my step dad is a genius. Recently, we had to replace part of our fence and Jerry kept the old wood. We are talking old wood that looks like barn wood!! Win.
This weekend Jerry was feeling crafty so he made me an awesome frame for my picture.
 It turned out PERFECT!!
Thank you JERRY!!

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